Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A New Image for My EC Widget

I have never really taken EC dropping that seriously. I am more of a casual and relaxed dropper. I drop on blogs who belong to my blogroll and those who have also droppped on mine... you know, the You Drop I Follow concept. And when I still have the time, I drop on other blogs whose EC widget image is attractive and interesting.

Of late, I find that the only way that I can get other bloggers to visit my blog is to drop more card on others. And of course, have an interesting image for my EC widget and a tagline to go with it.

Right now, I am still thinking of a good widget image that suits my blog's title. Maybe in the next week, when I have reinstalled my PhotoShop and tinkered on some of my photos and my knack for the creative kicks in, I would be able to change the image in my EC widget.

And if you do have any suggestions on this, please let me know. Really appreciate your help!

1 comment:

rai said...

hi i added u :) have a nice day

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