Thursday, September 25, 2008

BROKE(n Hearts) No More

I was searching through some blogs and came across the blog title Broken Hearts. Hmmm... I wonder why the author named it that way. Did something tragic happen to his/her heart? Is he/she broken and hurt because of a failed relationship? And in my heart of hearts, I wondered if indeed he/she is broken hearted, how does he/she cope? Is he/she bitter? Or he/she doing well? Too many questions that needed answers right away.

So to satisfy my curiosity, I visited the site. Then to my surprise, I found out that the blogger Lois, is pretty young - sixteen at that! And NO, she is not broken hearted. She just writes about what's going on in her life, her thoughts and some good finds on the world wide web. Yes, she is already one of those creative teens who speak their mind. And another YES - she does Make Money online!

So I guess she is broke no more because she is earning from her blog - she was even able to buy herself a new pair of converse! Way to go Lois. If you want to earn just like she does, why not pay a visit? You will never know what you will discover in a personal blog like hers unless you actually have been there!

1 comment:

marites1034 said...

oy, that’s good that she’s earning money kahit so young pa:)

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