Monday, September 1, 2008

My New EC Widget Explained

I know I promised everybody that I will be changing my Entrecard widget soon. So now, it's here! I finally got around to finishing my EC widget today and it's already "live" on Entrecard. Hehe!

Because life is everything

It's more colorful now, compared to the standard Black text card that used to grace my EC widget. So why the flower and the colored pencils? This has it's own story to tell. The flower, which is the gerbera, symbolizes a life that is in bloom, alive, and happy. It also indicates that the owner of this blog is a woman. :) The colored pencils which come in different colors, represent the many passions and the many situations in life that make me who I am today.

Yes, my blog is Just About Anything... because life is everything.

So, what do you think?

1 comment:

Sweet Mummy said...

I think it’s very cute, and very fitting. Nice job!

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