Monday, September 29, 2008

Seven Months

Sigh! How time flies... Sam just turned seven months yesterday. And I am amazed at how much she has grown.I can tell that she is smart because she knows how to behave when she is in public. She would sit quietly in her stroller or be contented to be held when we go to church to attend mass. She also loves to pose in front of the camera. And she has just discovered that driving can be fun!

Last night, I was waiting for them to fetch me at the train station. It was cold yesterday and was drizzling slightly so I told hubby to make Sam wear her jacket. She just looked so cute in her jacket that I can't pass up the chance of taking her photograph.

I hope you will all indulge me as I post some of her photos.

Sam, sporting her favorite jacket. Blue also looks good on her.

All messy after taking her vitamins.

Wanna go for a ride with me? I can drive!

Come, let's have dinner!

Want some rice biscuits?

I am really one proud mom. I can already imagine myself being a stage mom. With a pretty, adorable little baby girl like her, who wouldn't?

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