Thursday, September 4, 2008

Web Hosting... Because Not Everything In Life Is Free

I have been blogging for two months now. I guess you can say that I am a newbie in the blogging world. Because I am still starting out here and don't have enough resources to pay for my own webhosting service, I signed up for a free account as a subdomain. Hence, Just About Anything was born.

I am thankful for this free service but it has its limitations too. I have only 50MB of alotted memory making it very limited for me to post photos. I can only customize my blog design in terms of widgets or perhaps I just don't much about html scripts, etc. Hmm.. I am not complaining. I'm just stating a fact.

So what now? Well I have been thinking a lot about moving my blog into my own domain. I am considering it almost everyday but there are just too many web hosting services out there that says theirs is the best thing or the least expensive. But which to choose? That will be my most difficult task as a blogger ever.

Thank God I came across web hosting reviews my question is just about to be answered. This service just has everything you need to know about web hosting: from web hosting ratings to web hosting awards and reviews.

If you are just like me who is seriously considering moving your blog to a new domain or web hosting service, do check out web hosting reviews. It would also be smart to know some interesting web hosting tips so that you will know which service to choose. You wouldn't want to move just because a friend is using such service, right?

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