Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hellos and More

Hello to everyone! Thanks for taking the time to visit this blog. It has been a while since my last post. Pardon my absence but I have been quite busy lately with baby, teaching, house work and maintaining my main blog, Just About Anything. And the laptop has been pretty slow lately... Ugh! If only I have a new one... Anyway, if you do have the time, please come and visit me there.

And oh, speaking of slow laptops, what happens if you are in the middle of something and then poof! suddenly your computer shuts down or worse, your hard drive crashed? AAARRRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!! That will be the end of it! Oh no! It took me ages to make that program, presentation, report, photoshopped photo, etc! Aw gawd!

So I guess we must always back-up our files. Take advantage of the auto-save features of your softwares. It may be disturbing sometimes but I guess it is all worth it. Better to have a few seconds of disruption than to lose everything in the end!

As a bonus, here's a dNeero conversation for you:

Happy Sunday to all! God bless!

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