Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Blessed 2008

2008 is almost over! It's just amazing how time flies us by so fast escpecially if we are enjoying every moment of everyday. There is just so much to be thankful this year! And so before the year ends, let me count some of them.

January came with the anticipation of our new baby. I was able to experience my first snow in January. Snows are very rare in this part of Japan and I was lucky enough to witness my first snow. I was heavy then with child. All 36 weeks and all! My hubby also found a new and better job that month. And we were busy house-hunting for a new and bigger home.

February was D-day (or shall I say D-month?) for me. We moved into our new home and it is way bigger than the old! Too big in fact, that we have a spare room! It was also the month when I had Sam. Hubby was by my side during the delivery of which I am most thankful. Just imagine having to go through labor and delivery with strangers all around you. I would never have made it through without him by my side. I also knew the Lord will never forsake us. And indeed, I was able to deliver Sam safely.

March is a month full of promises for us. We were one new family again and about to take on the next steps in our journey with Baby Sam. I am most thankful for the presence of my eldest sister who stayed with us for three whole months to help me adjust with the new baby. My sister doesn't have a baby yet and we are praying they will be blessed with their own little bundle of joy soon! Hubby also got his driver's license this month! Yay! That means we can now drive to places we want to explore.

I turned a year older last April. It was only a simple celebration but very memorable because we are now three! We also got to travel to Yamanashi Ken for some springtime sightseeing! I missed the sakuras though but it was okay.

May is my hubby's birth month. We celebrated it simply at home with a dinner and then visited Showa Kinen Park the next day.

June was the birth month of this blog! Thanks to a good friend who convinced me, I met lots of great bloggers and good friends too! We also went to Tokyo Disneyland with baby Sam in tow!

July was a month of major adjustment because Ate had to go back to the Philippines. Work and her beloved hubby is waiting back home. Sam also began showing most of her major milestones during this month!

Lucy, our Subaru Legacy Wagon arrived in August. We named her so just because... :D I also had my first Obon experience and even participated in the Obon Odori during the neighborhood celebration. It was a blast! Sam had on her baby version of the yukata. It was the height of summer and it was very warm that she just slept in her Daddy's arms despite the loud drum beats!

September is Autumn and Sam had her first zoo experience at Zoorasia. She had fun watching the wild animals. She especially liked hanging around with the penguins! Hubby and I also celebrated our ten years anniversarry as friends and lovers. Mushy!

0October was the month Sam had her first tooth and was the first time she laughed and giggled a lot in another home! I also won PMC Weekly Fest and joined the crusade for the fight against breast cancer.

November saw me not blogging here. There had been problems with the service provider you see. But my baby Sam got her new blog called Samantha's Own and my, was she a success! Go check it out!

December is our first Christmas a family! Sam is surely growing up and the family will soon embark on a new journey in a new land next year. We sure are looking forward to what's in store next year!

Hope the year 2009 will bring us more blessings of joy, peace, love and good health, not just for our family but to other families in all corners of the world as well!

GOD Bless you MORE in 2009!


Mira said...

Hi Kikamz, you had truly a lot of things to be thankful for, this is a nice summary of them. I wish you and your family another blessed and prosperous new year ahead. Btw, I’m finally done with the tag you passed to me, you can read it here

Enchie said...

Have A Blessed 2009 Kikamz! Wishing you and your family all the best this coming year :)

Umma said...

Hello Mommy Kikamz… you have so much to be thankful this year… especially with the coming of little Sam.. Indeed she made your life more worthy..

Happy New Year to you and your family… I only wish that more blessings to come this new year and of course good health to everybody esp the baby.

Sorry wasnt able to blog hop past couple of days. YL got sicked after our trip from Vegas and he passed it to me as well so I was knocked out for couple of days too and wasnt able to check my blogs.. Anyway, Im back now hahahah..

Cookie said...

wishing you another fruitful year kikamz. enjoyed reading this entry. do you a pic of samantha wearing her yukata? i bet she looked very cute ;)

Kikit said...

hi k :) time flies so fast. may your 2009 be as blessed as 2008.

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