Friday, December 19, 2008

Food Friday: Ringer Hut Champon

food friday

Ah, champon! This noodle dish is just perfect for the cold season!

This was the first Japanese dish I tried when I arrived here. This is also hubby's favorite. Perfect with gyoza (dumplings) and cha-han (a kind of fried rice).

Starving! Just arrived from the airport... See my baby fork? I don't know how to use chopsticks yet!

Want to view more yum food? Click here for more Food Friday participants.

Happy Friday everyone!


liza said...

i like cha-han and gyoza, kakagutom. tamang-tama ang noodles mo, ang lamig ngayon :D

Umma said...

I love cham pong too, I guess the Korean version is also yummy.. Its so good if its too cold outside. it gives sweat and keep ur body warm.

juliana said...

that looks yum, perfect for snowy day. hey, madali lang matutong gumamit ng chopstick. I have been using them since I was a teenager pag kumakain sa Japanese and Chinese resto. Bring home a pair and just practice.

Agnes said...

Even though I am a vegetarian I love Japanese food.

Cookie said...

yummy food! i especially love the shrimp..nakakagutom!

thebeadedlily said...

Makes me want some soba or udon! I just had sushi the other night:)

Kikit said...

hi k. i’ve loved champon since my first stay in your apartment. hope we can have another champon moment before you leave for germany.

Kikit said...

hope to have another champon moment with you and binsoy before you leave for germany :)

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