Friday, December 12, 2008

The Hubby List

Now, here is a very fun tag courtesy of Mommy Iceah over at Chicken Heart who recently had their 4th Wedding Anniversary. Mommy Jerla of A Mother of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow tagged me too! Thanks guys! This will be the first time that I am going to share some things about my dearest hubby so here goes...

Hubby List

Can you remember the day you first met your hubby?
A big YES!

When was that? (doesn't have to be specific)
It was in college. They were volunteers from a university office and was preparing our class for our exposure.

First impression.
Cute, tisoy and he had this aura of being very mysterious, which I found irresistible.

Were you attracted to him?
Yup! I had my eyes on him since day1! *giggles!*

Were you friends before he became your bf?
We started out as friends first. I also signed up to become a volunteer in the same office he volunteered so I can be closer to him.. Haha! *GRIN!*

Having dinner with my handsome Prince at Rancher's Grill

What was the sweetest thing he did for you?

Every little thing he does is sweet. The walks and rides home. The way he holds my hands. The flowers and the gifts that he gives me. The dinners and movies (which are always his treat!) And even the letters (which are seldom and quite very unexpected!). He even had somebody serenade for me on a Valentine's Day when he was really tied up with something and he can only be with me the next day.

Vacationing in Siargao.

What are the things about him that you are thankful for?

There are a lot of things about him that I am so thankful for.
He is a very responsible person and works real hard for the family.
He sees to it that we spend weekends together.
He surprises me in his own special way.
He doesn't go out with friends after work except when there are prior company dinners. And he informs me about them.
He adores our daughter and takes care of her whenever he can.
He takes us out for long or short rides whenever the time permits.
He always thinks for us FIRST. We are always on top of list, next to God.
He is a very passionate person.
He makes "lambing" in his most cute and adorable way... especially if he is guilty of something. Hehe!
He cannot afford to see my cry.
We both share the love for travel.

And YES, MFEO kami! :D

Kape't Gatas kami! Taken a few days after my arrival here in Japan.

Am sharing this questions to my wifey and mommy friends Cookie, Beth, Enchie, Wendy, Jerla, Mira, Ria, Juliana, Aeirin, Zriz, and Niko.

*Now the rules are simple.
1. Foremost, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Pick your sweetest picture when you were still friends and post it on top of the questions and answers.
3. Another pic now that you are together post it after the questions.
4. Share to how many friends you like. Be sure to link them and send them a comment about the tag.
5. Enjoy doing it c:
6. Let your hubby read it too c:

God bless your love and friendship more c:


Cookie said...

wow! sweet nyo naman!!! :D :D
thanks for this tag. Be posting it soon ;)

Carmie said...

you are such a lovely couple, it brings back my own memories.
Sure dear we can exchange links. God am I saying it correctly? excange links? still have to learn a lot from blgging.Cheers!

shals said...

ako nag-take anang pic sa siargao!!!

Mira said...

Hi Kikamz, thanks for remembering me on this tag. I will grab this but will do it on my spare time ;-). I just have too much on my plate right now, but will buzz you when I’m done. Thanks again. Btw, I agree you are such a cute and lovely couple. Cheers

beth said...

Kape’t gatas man, you still make a lovely couple! you look so inloved with each other! God bless your love for each other!

juliana said...

thanks kikamz. I will grab this soon.

Suzanne said...

Oo nga, the two of you make a lovely couple!

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