Thursday, January 29, 2009

Alone, Game Consoles & Outbreaks Among Others

This week we will answer some crazy questions brought to you by Berleen, the color purple and the number 6.

1. Have you ever felt alone, but yet there are people around you?
YUP! I call them my "senti moments".

2. Do you have any video game consoles? Which ones?
We have one. A Sony PlayStation 2 which we also use as a DVD player.

3. Do you freak out at food warnings/outbreaks, such as the recent peanut butter salmonella scare?
Not really. I am always careful with what I buy. And here in Japan, they are very strict when it comes to food safety so I feel safe that the food I am eating won't kill me.

4. What color/pattern is your beds' comforter/bedspread?
Now? Our futon covers have pink and light green floral prints.

5. How many windows do you have in your house?
4 small windows and two double glass windows. It's pretty cold during the winter.

6. Name six things that are in your bathroom.
A shaver, soap dish, a baby tub, a loofah, mirror, small shelf.

7. How big is your garage? Should it be bigger?
No garage... we only have a parking space for the car.

8. Got your taxes done yet?
Done. Did it before the year 2008 ended.

9. Think of a mental disorder..... why did you think of that particular one?
Schizophrenia. I think it would be cool to have imaginary friends and another personality. Hehe!

Join us every Thursday here.


Kimber said...

Well done on getting the taxes done already! Have a great Thursday!

Bud Weiser said...

It must be nice to trust the food. In the US you NEVER know. Have a great day…

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