Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Brida Has Got Me Occupied

Wonder why I haven't been returning your drops (again!) these past few days? Aside from the excitement of Mother's Day last Sunday, a new friend has got me occupied. Her name is Brida, a beautiful young Irish girl on a journey in search for knowledge. I met her last Thursday but only got to know her better yesterday. We sat down for a few hours and she told me a part of her story.

Reading Paulo Coelho on my precious free time.
His work always inspire me!

I surely would like to get to know her better however, I don't own my time with household chores and a toddler who needs my attention too. Perhaps we will see each other again this afternoon over hot chocolate and we could continue her story. I love listening to her life story. It began in the Summer of 1983 and I surely hope that she would find what she has been looking for... knowledge and her Soulmate.

And oh, Brida is another Paulo Coelho International Bestseller. Grab a copy now!

1 comment:

Kikit said...

Another book in my to-read list! :)

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