Thursday, June 11, 2009

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi celebrates the Eucharist,
also known as the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion.

Today is Fronleichnam (Corpus Christi) and here in Stuttgart, it is a public Holiday. Corpus Christi is celebrated by the Christian world on a Thursday, 60 days after Easter Sunday. Today we honor the Holy Eucharist, which is one of the important traditions of the Catholic Church.

We should have gone to church today to celebrate the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist but we chose to stay home. The weather is not so good today... It rains every hour or so. I hope the weather will get better so that we can go out later on, visit the church and light some candles.

Fronleichnam is a public holiday in the following states here in Germany: Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland and in some parts of Sachsen and Thuringia. Being a public holiday, it meant banks, post offices, stores and businesses are closed today. And I forgot to buy groceries for today! Oh no! I guess I'll have to make do with what's left in the fridge.

Well, I hope everyone has a great Thursday! Take care all!

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