Friday, June 5, 2009

Mommy Moments: Time Out With Friends

mommy moments

A child must never be alone. He/she must have someone to play with so that he/she can learn to share, be affectionate, and develop his/her social skills. At a young age, it is best to immerse your child into a playgroup so that he/she can learn interaction with other children their age and thus can learn to communicate and overcome their shyness.

Samantha with cousins Miggy and Bha-Bha back in the Philippines.

Samantha doesn't have her own set of friends her age yet. I guess I am her constant playmate and friend since we spend the rest of the day together. We know a couple who lives in Ulm City that has a daughter Sam's age but we seldom see them due to distance. Sam only got to play with Kate twice.

L: Meeting Kate from Ulm in Königstrasse. R: With her Ate Vanessa during one of our visits to their home.

And I am looking for a playgroup here in our neighborhood so that it will be easier for us to integrate here in Germany. This afternoon, we are meeting a few Filipino friends with one having a child of her too. So I guess that's a start.

Playing with Kyla and Kuya Dondie on the left photo and with Ehana and Ate Reina on the right photo.

Way back in Japan, Sam's friends would be the children of our Filipino friends. But it is only on occasions when they can visit our house due to distance and conflicts in schedule as their parents are working. And Sam does a have a blast playing with them!

I know you love to see your kids bond with their grandparents too! I have seen entries from last week that said it all. And those exciting first haircuts are milestones worth the wait and the "trouble". More of those first haircutes here.


Mommy Jac said...

The kids are so cute and nice video mommy=)

joe-ann said...

Hi kikamz, I have the same problem with Johann before. It’s very nice if you could have a filipino friend with a child of Sam’s age, at least she can have someone to play with. But just in case you really wanted more interaction from other kids, you can visit your “Nachbarschaftshilfe” or sometimes called Familien Zentrum. For sure they can help you about it.

joe-ann said...

Hi kikamz, I have the same problem with Johann before. It’s very nice if you could have a filipino friend with a child of Sam’s age, at least she can have someone to play with. But just in case you really wanted more interaction from other kids, you can visit your “Nachbarschaftshilfe” or sometimes called Familien Zentrum. For sure they can help you about it.

chris said...

you are right, our kids need friends so that they can overcome their shyness… :) i hope your daughter will have her own friends soon!

Hazel said...

gone are the days where friends and playmates are right next door. sometimes i really worry about my son’s social life. despite modern culture that we are all in it’s great that our children are enjoying socialization. your daughter looks cute playing with her friends.

fedhz said...

Wow! sa Germany ka pala. then from japan pa! sugoi! hehe. lovely kids! sana join baby ko jan! hehe.

mommy jes said...

wow dami kalaro ah =) anak ko cousins lng tlga kalaro eh =) nweis thnks for visiting =0

Dee said...

Hi. That’s so true. Kids do need to socialize with other kids. It’s healthy for them.

Your kid is really cute! I like her eyes - pretty!

You live in Germany pala. Wow! I love to read blogs from other places. I’ll be back soon! :)

Willa said...

those are really fun time with friends.

Misty said...

Looks a lotta fun!

AnnaVille said...

nice video you have there!

thanks for visiting my site…hope to see you there again!

ela said...

talagang filipinos abroad stick together no! kami rin, para na kaming big family rito, kasi nga pare-parehong malalayo sa pamilya, and then the kids get to be the best of friends. sila sila magkakalaro, etc. although baby pa junakis ko e, so wala pa talaga syang friends. pero enjoy sya playing with other kids :)

Rolly said...

Cute girls.

jeng said...

Wow, looks like she is really having fun with other kids ; )

Clarissa said...

I enjoyed the video–Sana mas dumami pa ang friends ni Samantha dyan sa Germany,Mommy Kikamz.

Oo nga eh,dito sa bagong apartment namin,malapit ang koen kaya marami silang name-meet na kaibigan.How’s Germany?Nakakapag-adjust ka na ba?

Thanks for dropping by and have a nice day to you and your family!!^_^

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