Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Sweet Little One

My little Sam has grown a lot since we arrived here in Germany. These photos were taken at the park one fine Sunday afternoon. We just heard the 12 noon mass and the weather was perfect. We decided to walk around the park near the church before we head home. We thought, there might be something interesting going on there that will be worth our while.

One fine Sunday in Schlossplatz... SWR is the star of the day.

True enough, there was. I guess it was a celebration of music by one of the leading stations here: SWR. My little one had a yellow balloon for herself which the crew gave out to children for FREE and we sat on the park grounds under the shade of a tree. We listened to good music and watched the people pass by. The most entertaining part was when Sam took some photos herself and then danced in front of us when I sang one of her baby songs.

My sweet little Sam in all her curious and adorable glory.

A photo taken by Sam.. I guess she wanted to take a photo
of her balloon but took a snap of this couple instead.


shals said...

familiar ang tiil sa background. hhahahaa!!

juliana said...

Ang laki na nga baby mo. Glad to see you and your family adapting to the new environment well.

Rainy pa rin ba dyan?

kamz said...

@ te shal: oh yes, those are my feet!

@ juliana: it rains here every now and then juls.

niko said...

aw ang galing na ni sam magcapture ng photo ha!

joe-ann said...

wow..your little girl has a sense in photography. it’s quite a good shot!=)

Dee said...

Cute baby! And has a nice shot too! :)

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