Monday, June 8, 2009

Yellow Monday: The Health Nut


Growers peanuts: deliciously roasted, and comes in a variety of flavors.

If this isn't your favorite kind of nuts, then I don't know what is!

Synonymous to baseball games, circus elephants and party cocktails, and of course peanut butter and jelly sandwich, peanuts are not actually nuts but legumes.

My favorites: Garlic and savoury hot.

It is a good source of:
  1. proteins
  2. coenzyme Q10 and resveratrol (a chemical studied to have anti-aging effects and helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers)
  3. niacin (contributes to brain health and blood circulation)
  4. antioxidants
Recent studies show that when roasted, peanuts rival the anti-oxidant content of blackberries and strawberries, and far richer in antioxidants than apples, carrots or beets. Furthermore, roasting peanuts increases the compound called p-coumaric acid's levels and boosts its overall antioxidant content by 22%. (Source)

Trying to lose weight? Include peanuts in your diet. It is more satisfying for longer periods than high-carbohydrate snacks, as if it suppresses hunger.


Carletta said...

I think I’d like to try the savory hot ones.
Neat Yellow post!

Sally in WA said...

Yummmm…peanuts. Never tasted garlic ones though. They sound good!

Willa said...

one of my fav pinoy snack! yummy and i miss it!

james said...

I love peanuts too. Great yellow choice.

Pacey said...

Wow, great post and very informative. Thanks for sharing.

Karen said...

Mmmmm … I love peanuts !!

It’s good to know that I’m doing something good for my health when I snack on them . I did not know, though, that it was better if they were roasted..

niko said...

paborit ko to kamz!! :)

musta??? busy ba??

Sue said...

Those look good. I love peanuts. Happy MYM!

Liza said...

Haven’t eaten Growers for some time, hmmmm, makabili nga. Naiingit ako eh, haha.

Happy MYM!!!

prkl said...

Going nuts? :) Sure looks delicious. Happy MYM!

Martha said...

Mmmm, send over the hot ones please :-)

sunnymama said...

I have a craving for peanuts now :)

I Must Confess said...

Oh, soury hot sounds good…I wonder if they sell it here.

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