Saturday, August 8, 2009

I Am Back!

Yesterday, Hubby brought home our computer back. I thought, "that was quick!" It was indeed quick because the store where he bought it from gave him a new CPU of the same model instead! Isn't that great?

I asked him how he managed to get a new CPU in replacement for the other one.

It is kind of a long story and to make it short, they simply got tired of his whining and complaining. Perhaps it showed on his face that he was getting annoyed, too (by their apathy) so that they decided to give him a new one. Who wouldn't get annoyed if someone tells you that you will have to wait three weeks before you can get it back? Three weeks without a computer will indeed be agony for both of us. Oh yes, hubby can be persistent especially if he knows he is on the right. Thanks Hanhan for bringing our new CPU home!

Now I am back to my old blogging routine.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Beng said...

am glad you're back!! c",)

pehpot said...

welcome back!!

maganda nga ang gingersnap.. I thought clothes are cheaper in Europe?

Make or Break

Seiko said...

WB Mommy Kikamz!Either I,I can't bear to think w/o my pc even for just 1 day only hehe...
Thanks for the visit & for droppin' some line 'though 'm not around.'m still on my vacation & be home on the 15th & as I'd prmised,I'll try to get in touch when I gets in here.Have a great weekend to you too!:)

Chris said...

that is great news!

niko said...

aw wait ko pag bisita mo sa blog ko my dear!! mwah

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