Friday, August 21, 2009

Increase Your Link Part 2!

This is the second time that this blog has been given this linky tag! Thanks Mommy Rache of Recaptured Moments for sending this my way! I appreciate the thought!

Try to make a post just like this one and mention this process.

-From the list of blog sites below remove the number 1 and move the rest in the list 1 step higher (i. e number 2 becomes number 1, and so on). Add your blog name in the 5th position. Don’t forget to copy the links. (Here’s my list-my site added in the end)

  1. Simple Happy Life
  2. Sweet Nothings
  3. FickleMinded
  4. Recaptured Moments
  5. Just About Anything
-List five of your friend’s blog title here with the link and inform them of this post and ask them to do the same.

Sharing the love to:


Clarissa said...

Thanks for the tag,Mommy Kikamz!!I'll grab them for sure!!Thanks for the thoughts!!^_^

Enchie said...

wow! this tag is really working :)

Seiko said...

Thanks for tagging me!:D
Gonna post it too!:D

Seiko said...

Finally!I've found your badge.Grab ko to ha mommy!Thanks in advance:D

Chris said...

i posted my entry here

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