Saturday, August 15, 2009

Increase Your Link Tag

I got tagged by fellow Mom blogger Ate Chris of the The Mommy Journey. And I want to thank her for tagging me along. This is surely a lot of help since I do need backlinks. Hehe! Thanks Ate Chris for thinking of me.
  1. Try to make a post just like this one and mention this process.

  2. From the list of blog sites below remove the number 1 and move the rest in the list 1 step higher (i. e number 2 becomes number 1, and so on). Add your blog name in the 5th position. Don't forget to copy the links. (Here's my list-my site added in the end)

    1. EV Tourism Portal
    2. Home of good ideas
    3. Make or Break
    4. The Mommy Journey
    5. Just About Anything

  3. List at most five of your friends blogsite here with link and inform them of this post and ask them to do the same. Here's my list:


Chris said...

thanks for posting!

genejosh said...

thanks for adding me this as soon as I got time..he..he..i do appreciate this....Thank you...

Our Adventures Together/
Her and History
Tasty Exploration

genejosh said...

posted it here na sis:


Our Adventures Together/
Her and History
Tasty Exploration

Anonymous said...

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