Tuesday, August 11, 2009

TCP#1: Just Like Heaven

Welcome to the first edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes where we share about a movie or TV show at a time that we like. If you got one to share, join us here! Just place your link on the McLinky below so that other participants may visit you and comment! Don't forget to invite your friends too! Happy watching!
Just Like Heaven (Solange du da bist) is a 2005 Romantic Comedy from Director Mark Walters with great performances from Reese Witherspoon (Elizabeth) and Mark Ruffallo (David).

David, a depressed widower and landscape architect, just moved into his flat only to find out that it is haunted by the confused spirit of its previous owner, Elizabeth. He attempts to help her cross to the other side believing that she is a ghost. Elizabeth, however, is convinced that she is not yet dead and convinces David to help here find out who she is and how she came to be.

I really enjoyed watching this movie, with its witty script and with great performances from the lead stars. I especially like Elizabeth's character in her "still alive" scenes where she plays the life of a very busy doctor that her colleagues told her, "You are lucky Elizabeth. All you have to worry about is work." She is lonely but she is able to mask her loneliness. There is also chemistry between Reese and Mark, making their tandem a very good one!

Below is a trailer of the movie:


niko said...

kamz what's the theme for today's couch??? sa lover mushroom ko to ilalagay :)

thanks so much sa donation mo ha! payakap nga!! sobrang blessed ako today bcoz of all of u! mwah

niko said...

i would like to watch this one.. mukang maganda nga! sucker ako ng mga love stories.. naku maraming tuesday pa ang ating lalakbayin.. exciting!!

i have my entry at lover's mushroom blog! :)

Vera said...

I've seen this and enjoyed it, love ko si reese! hehe :)

Unknown said...

Hmmm may meme ka rin pala dito inday kamz, nice one. way to go kikamz. kisses to baby sam.

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