Monday, August 10, 2009

Yellow Monday: Stop and Smell The Roses

The Grönneranlage or Rose Garden in Lichtentaler Alley in Baden-Baden.

These yellow roses were just among the over 400 rose varieties that can be found at the rose garden, the Gönneranlage in Lichtentaler Allee in Baden-Baden, Germany. This rose garden was a gift of a coffee magnate to his wife. He must have thought, "Why bother with a bunch of roses when you could surprise your wife with a garden of 10,000?" Ain't that sweet?

There are lots more colors and rose blooms that can be found here. Pinks, reds, whites, orange, peach and lots more! Just imagine the sweet rose fragrance as you enter the garden especially in the spring and summer when all the roses are in full bloom!



Angie said...

Lovely yellow roses - who will invent smellerblogs? Have a good week.

Gemma Wiseman said...

This would be a heavenly place to wander when all the roses are in bloom! Lovely photos!

pehpot said...

rose plus yellow = happyness!

adgitizing lang kiks :)

Make or Break

MaR said...

What a wonderful place! love roses and your yellow shots.
Happy Monday!

Nukke said...

Wow ! There smells really good :)

Dianne said...

I really like the pale yellow

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