Saturday, September 12, 2009

I Won! I Won!

Ate Chris of The Mommy Journey celebrated her 1st Blog Anniversary last Thursday, September 10th. In her first year of blogging, I could say that she has come a long way. She has made lots of friends and readers, and she has inspired Mommies and Wifeys (and Husbands too!). She also celebrated her Blogversary with a contest and it was very well-supported.

the mommy journey
I haven't checked my email nor updated my blog since Tuesday so it was indeed a surprise when Ate Chris left me a comment, saying "You won!" I couldn't believe my eyes at first. But when I read her Anniversary post, it indeed says that I am the 5th winner. Wheeee!!!!

5th winner : kikamz
$5.00 from
Our Family Story
5000 EC credits from
a housewife's journal and an extraordinary path to parenthood
2000 EC credits from
Dharlz Creations
125x125 ad space for 1 month from
That Blog 4 Me
125x125 ad space for 1 month from
Travel Blog
Thanks Ate Chris for counting my entry. And to all the winners, CONGRATULATIONS!


Mys said...


janet said...

congratulations kikamz! prize has been sent. please check.

janet said...

oh... you are very welcome to join my contest too. :D


Azumi's Mom ★ said...

oo nga lucky.. congrats.. sali ka din sa give away contest ko start next week. Yorushiku ne

Seiko said...


Sherry said...

congrats :) your ad will run til 18 oct

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