Friday, September 18, 2009

Mommy Moments: Captured Treasured Moments

I have countless photos in my possession which I treasure. In fact, there are thousands of them, making this week's theme for Mommy Moments a difficult task. Each photo is a treasure, and speaks a thousand words...

Sam was such a tiny baby when she came out. She was so delicate, with her dainty feet and fingers. But she proved to be a fighter and as she grows bigger each day, and is able to do lots of things, you will not believe that she was so fragile when she came out.

Of course, she will always be Daddy's Little Girl. I just love watching them together... playing, praying, goofing around, and I smile because I am amazed to see that they have a bonding that is only theirs. And I love capturing those moments.

And of course, she will always be my little girl too. And as she grows bigger each day, she looks more like me. And seeing her grow and witnessing her milestones are like pats on the back for me.

Indeed these photos speak a thousand words and is worth more than a bucket of gold!

There are more treasures to see at Mommy Moments so be sure to drop by The Mommy Journey! God bless everyone!
mommy moments


Mys said...

for digiscrapping freebies: best site for me is, then there's, then you have

magsasawa ka sa kakatingin at download.

Mys said...

what great moments! nice layout too. i wish i can do layouts like you. have a lot to learn pa.

Seiko said...

I agree mommy that each photos in here speaks a thousand mem'ries w/c 'm sure the whole page in here is not enough for the perfect words.:D
Happy weekend!

Chris said...

beautiful digi scrapping! :D i want to learn that someday!

thanks for sharing so many photos with us these week! :D

happy weekend

Enchie said...

We moms treasure everything from birth and we follow the process. Its really nice to witness the growth and development of our kids. Its the most rewarding. Nice presentation Kamz!

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