Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Friendship Awards

I don't know what I did to deserve all these awards but I am thankful to Enchie of Sweet Nothings, Anna of I Love Darly! and to Seiko of Seiko's Diary nonetheless. I feel blessed for you never fail to remember me when you bestow these lovely awards. And for that I am thankful!

The Circle of Friends Awards is from Mommy Seiko:
The four Friendship Awards are from Mommy Enchie and Mommy Anna:

Thanks ladies for the love! Hugs to you both!


Clarissa said...

OOopps!!You've got the same awards from me too!But it's ok,please grab the tag na lang for you here:http://ties-bonding.blogspot.com/2009/10/tag-and-awards-day.html

Congratulations,Mommy Kikamz!!You deserve the awards!!^_^

Seiko said...

Thanks for posting it as well as for the hugs.All I knew is you just deserved these all.Have a nice day!:D

bambie said...

congratulations on your awards.:) that goes to show you are loved.:)

Chris said...

i just tagged you but it seems like you got tagged already :D


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