Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Life Will Always Be MAKE or BREAK

Ever since I started blogging way back in 2007, I have come to know other bloggers and even found my niche. Only recently have I been actively blogging and blog hopping and met along the way mommy bloggers like me. There is one particular blog that is one of a kind and I find really refreshing, entertaining, honest, funny even. And that blog is none other than the PBA 2009's Blog for Family and Living, Make or Break authored by Mommy Pehpot.

I only know Mommy Pehpot and her blog Make or Break for a few months now. I was drawn to her call for backlinks because she recently changed to a new domain and I could understand that if you change to a new domain, it's like back to zero. So that's how it all started.

I admit I am not able to visit her blog on a regular basis but I know that there will always be something new in store for me. I had a blast at her contest, Jump for Pehpot. It was through this contest that I learned that Mommy Pehpot is a very warm and open person, no reservations or pretensions whatsoever and I like that in a person.

Her personal posts about her family are very heartwarming. I enjoyed reading her small anecdotes as a mom to her three boys and as a pregnant mother to her little Sati. I had a good laugh at calling the crow, which shows that she has a good sense of humor and always looks at the brighter side of things.

Mommy Pehpot also values her blogger friends very much and I find it very ingenious of her to have organized the She Bloggers. To think that she is pregnant and all. How ever did she manage to organize such an activity?

And with the damage that Ondoy left them, both emotionally and physically, I am amazed at how she remained composed and strong. She has been broken yet she emerged victorious. I am not surprised at the support that her family and friends have extended at these trying times.

And all I can say is that she is a Supermom!


Clarissa said...

I believe she's a Super Mom,too!!^_^

Chris said...

i cant agree with your post more!

i made a post for her too

pehpot said...

aww.. this is so nice..

MOmmy, SATI po hindi SANTI

ayan disqualified ka na.. haha

joke lang..


Seiko said...

I totally agree!Added here at napaka straight hehe.

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