Dear Ate Shals,
I have never been able to formally send you a card or a note that says THANK YOU, but Thank you! You may never realize how much difference you have made into my life but you changed my life in a beautiful, positive way. As I look back and remember, I realized that in whatever event in my life, you were there. When I was at my lowest, you were there. When I was being my creative self, you were there. When I was broken, you were there. When I was in love, you were there. When I had to hurdle my challenges on my own, you were there still. Your selflessness and generosity has inspired me in so many ways. You have influenced me to love Star Wars and the Jedi way of life. And you had no reservations. You accepted my whole person. And your simple ways has inspired me to be modest and humble too.
Thank you Ate Shal for everything. You have in a way changed my life and I will be forever grateful. May the Force be with you. ALWAYS.
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uh-oh. hahahaha!
you know that the feeling is mutual. i guess we just click so well together. me, you and soybin. and soon baby sam!
i wish i will have my own baby soon. we have a name for our baby. its gonna be called baby olive.hahaha! corny. ang inspiration? olive oil. nyahahah!
seriously, im gonna call my baby sky.
thanks for the letter. it's well appreciated. and as usual let me say this again : How did i ever get so blessed to have known you both????!!!
tshals ni
wonderful people come as gifts and you're lucky to meet one. :)
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