Sunday, December 20, 2009

An Evening Of Fun

I guess you all know that every Friday evening, the Sto. Nino group meets for a prayer devotion to the Sto. Nino or the Infant Jesus of Prague. Last Friday was a special one because after the prayer meeting, we had our Christmas Party.

Singing and dancing to our heart's content!

Samantha trying out the Limbo Rock!

It was an evening of pure fun especially for the children. Samantha was asleep when we got there though so that she didn't get to enjoy the evening until after dinner. There was dancing and good old Filipino Christmas carols were sung. And of course, Nikolaus or Sta. Claus was there to give gifts to the children. Samantha received four gifts that evening and then some cash that her "Tante-Lolas" inserted in her jacket pocket while she danced.

Nikolaus giving out gifts to the children.

Sam and me after receiving her gift from Santa.

The adults had an exchange gift too although it wasn't done in the manner that I was used to because we just claimed our "numbered" gift. I wasn't even able to say THANK YOU to the person to whom the gift was from because nothing was written on it. Perhaps next year, they will change the rules.

It was snowing outside when all this fun and excitement happened so that when it was time to go home, it was very freezing! I only felt chilly when we got home, after all the warmth and excitement of the evening has left me and exhaustion crept in.

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