Sunday, December 20, 2009

Is It Monday Yet?

I woke up a little bit disoriented today. I thought it was already Monday and I was frantic! Why? Because I still haven't done the packing nor prepared our travel documents and Monday is our flight to London! Geez! But then I realized that it is still Sunday. We were out last night for a late shopping and I was just too exhausted to remember which day is today. Glad I realized it immediately or else I would waken the entire family and ask them to help me pack! Whew! I must be getting old!

Yes, we are going away on vacation in the next couple of weeks. We are off to England to visit my brother-in-law and his family. And so I hope that before this day ends, I would have already prepared everything that I need to prepare. I don't want to forget anything AGAIN so help me God!

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