Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I've Got A Parcel!

Well, it's actually not for me but for our little Samantha. And as a mom, I am just excited!

I received it this morning. Our doorbell rang and a male voice said, "Ich habe ein Paket für Sie." (I have a package for you.) So I went downstairs and opened the door. I was surprised to find that it was a package from Amazon. That's strange because I didn't order anything to be delivered to me. So I went back up and after taking a few shots (for proof, hehe!) I opened the package. A small card came with the golden wrapping and it said:

There was also a board-book for children about the parts of the body. I get to learn with Sam when I read it to her!

The main package of course is the Aquadoodle Travel N Doodle. It will be something that will keep Sam occupied while we travel. And I am sure that she will really enjoy it. She can draw and doodle without the mess!

Thanks Joe-Ann of My Life, Jerome and Johan! It was a very lovely Christmas gift. Samantha loved it! Will post photos of her enjoying her new toy at Samantha's Own soon!

1 comment:

Chris said...

its so exciting :)

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