Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wheat Works For You

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Wheat Food Council. All opinions are 100% mine.

Wheat is an essential part of our diet. We use wheat flour in baking our breads. We wouldn't be able to enjoy our favorite pastas without the durum wheat. There wouldn't be breakfast cereals without them too! That is why it is good to know all about wheat to better understand and appreciate the nutritional benefits that it provides.

There is now a fun and interactive way to learn all about wheat through the How Wheat Works program. Through this program, the participants get to virtually grow, harvest and mill the wheat they have grown. If you are on Facebook and have been playing the variety of farming applications there, then you will surely enjoy this program that takes only four days to complete. I myself have participated and just planted my wheat. Tomorrow, when I receive my email from them, I will be able to virtually harvest the wheat I have grown. I'm looking forward to it!

Anyone can participate and help Operation Homefront give assistance to the needy U.S. troop and their families in the process. How? The program will donate two pounds of flour, up to 90,000 pounds, on behalf of each participant. They are also extending the program to the youth through the Wheat Foods Council. So I invite you, my dear readers to spare a few minutes of your time, participate and help.

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