Monday, January 25, 2010

Driving Without License

Yesterday was my first time to really drive a manual car, and I was without a driver's license! I was a total wreck! You know how it is when you get behind the wheel for the very first time and you are responsible for everything while you drive. But wait, did I really say driving without license? Yup, you heard me right. I was driving without a license. How is that possible?

The Solitude Ring Starthouse

Here in Germany, aspiring new drivers aged 16 years old and above can learn how to drive with the guidance of a family member or friend who has a valid driver's license at the ADAC Verkehrübungsplatz, a traffic training area in Leonberg, near Stuttgart. Here, traffic beginners and driving license applicants can practice driving at low speeds (maximum 30 kph), attack curves and hills, and park without fear of motorists blowing their horns because you are causing traffic.

Entrance to the ADAC Verkehrsübungsplatz in Solitude Ring in Leonberg.
Photos: Larry Cooper

Hubby has been encouraging me to learn how to drive and I mustered enough courage to go for it yesterday. The training area opens at 4:00pm and because we arrived early, we were the third in line. While waiting, he taught me some basics and how the car works. At 4:00 PM, the gate opened and we drove our way inside. It was a slow drive because the entire area has a speed limit of 30kph. It was slower when I went behind the wheel. I was driving the entire hour between 10 kph-20 kph! Hehe!

It was cold out and was even starting to snow but I was all sweat and cold hands. And because I am small, it took all my might just to reach the clutch, the brake and the gas. I cannot control my feet yet so that I released the clutch too early or too abrupt that the engine would die out on me. Or I steered too much to the right or to the left each time I tackle a curve. It was THAT difficult! I "begged" husband that we stay only for an hour because my legs were beginning to ache and my shoulder muscles were already stiff. And he obliged. And for my first day, it wasn't all that bad. And the €10.00 that it cost us was certainly worth it. I am glad I have a patient teacher.

Thanks Hanhan for the lesson! I can't wait for the next one. It may be difficult but I am learning!

If you are living in the area and want to have some knowledge in driving before enrolling for a Driving School, this might be helpful:

ADAC Verkehrsübungsplatz
Leonberger Straße 63
71229 Leonberg, Germany
07152 48192
Fees: €7.00 for the first hour, €3.00 for the next succeeding hours.
Please see their website at for schedules (only in German)


DavaoBase said...

Hi Ana K! Chito here. I'm glad to know that we're on the same track. Leah and I are also learning to drive. :)

Good luck sa driving!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

I love this post, hehe.. get to know more about germany. hehe.. we must go learning school to drive.. but my dad too.. guide me before I got the license but of course I need to go driving school first. it is costly here to learn driving.

Unknown said...

Going for such training will make them learn driving restrictions and ingraining liability and readiness behind the rim of the car while keeping a fun and pleasant learning environment.
Reference : Driving school Kildare

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