Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy 2010 To All!

After two weeks of not being able to update this blog, I am finally back! My apologies for not updating. It was just impossible to sit down and update my blog with so much going on at the same time. I am glad to share that I had a great vacation spent with family and new-found friends. Samantha finally met her cousin who is a year older than her. I was so happy to see them play together. Of course, we had to keep watch because her kuya loves to tease her and they would fight over any single item the other one is holding. I guess all kids are like that. Especially when they are so used to playing all by themselves.

The weather in central London was terrible during our three-day visit though. It was raining and very humid and chilly on our second and third day. We didn't get to see all of the sights and opted to stay inside galleries and museums than get soaked in the rain and get chilled. We did manage to witness the changing of the guards and rode the London Eye during our first day. I will post photos of our escapades and our Christmas and New Year celebration in the coming days.

As for Tuesday Couch Potatoes, we will resume next week, January 12th with the theme: Blockbuster Movies. I know I have not been a good host in the past two TCPs and even missed posting the MckLinky. But please bear with me. I have cooked up a small surprise to all of my dear Couchers so please watch out for it.

And if you did manage to post a TCP last week, December 29th for the theme: New Beginnings, here is the ever-late MckLinky:

Thanks for visiting and here's wishing everyone a Blessed and Peaceful 2010!

1 comment:

Chris said...

happy new year! :D

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