It has been a while since I posted my Movies-To-Watch-List. I must admit that my list is getting longer each week and so without further ado, here's my third list:
1. Cheaper By The Dozen 2 from Phebie of Love's Haven
2. Pink Panther from John of Asia Today, World Tomorrow
3. Imromptu from Hazel of Delineating Des
4. Mine and Ours from Shydub of Worth's Road
5. Pusher and Jumper from Mys of Written by Mys
6. Inkheart from Eikcaj of God Brought Me Here For A Reason
7. The Wizard of Oz from Hazel of Delineating Des
8. The Vanishing Hitchhiker from Phebie of Love's Haven
9. Amityville Horror from Darly of I Love Darly!
10. Shutter from Lulu of Bitz N' Pieces Of My Life
11. Ghost from John of Sailor's Adventures and Opinions and Mys of Written By Mys
12. 1408 from Life is A Work in Progress
13. The Grudge from Nuts of Embrace Life
14. Heaven Can Wait from Lulu of Bitz N' Pieces Of My Life
15. Matilda from Niko of Lover Mushroom
16. Practical Magic from Mys of Written By Mys and Phebe of Love's Haven
17. Zapped from Shelo of Real Garden
18. Schindler's List from Chris of Inspirational Insights and Darly of I Love Darly!
19. Legends of the Fall from Bambie of I Am A Princess and Chris of Inspirational Insights
20. The Good Son and Obsessed from Niko of Lover Mushroom
Please watch out next week for more of the list. What have you seen so far? Let's compare notes!
I have a word for you.. surely you will be blessed!
There are a lot I haven't seen from this list. I need to catch up and see them. :) Happy New Year, Kikamz! Have a good one!:)
I have just bought domain and inform SS and PPP,.. sila na bahala mag configure?I can not submit kasi the post I made..hindi daw pareho URL. matagal ba sila mag switch?
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