Sunday, January 17, 2010

Visiting Hogwarts!

It was a nice day for a sightseeing and so we decided to go for a drive to Oxford City, home of the great scholars and academicians. We have no particular destination in mind. We just wanted to have a look around this famous University city. Setting foot at Oxford city was like being transported back in time. Old buildings and cobblestone paths were abundant. It felt like I were among the students who walked the the streets and frequented the libraries.

Finally, we found the sign that led us to Christ Church University,
where most of the scenes from the Harry Potter feature films were shot on location.

While strolling aimlessly and looking out for road signs that will point us to Christ Church University, we finally made it. Christ Church University is one of Oxford's largest universities and the Cathedral Church of the Diocese of Oxford.

They call it the Tom Quad. I think this is the quadrangle where
Harry Potter and Hogwarts students had their first broomstick lesson.

It was only accidental when we got to visit The Hogwarts' School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Well it wasn't actually Hogwarts but it was the one place where most of the scenes from the Harry Potter feature films were shot. Even the theme music from the film was ringing in my ear as we walked through the War Memorial Garden, the Christ Church Meadow building and Christ Church Meadows. Tan-dan-dan-dan-dan-dan-dan....

A view of Christ Church University near the visitor's entrance,
the largest gate from the War Memorial Garden.

Christ Church is a very large institution. If you are coming for a visit, you would have to walk further down Aldate's and near the end of the street, look for the largest gate that leads to the War Memorial Garden and the Christ Church Meadow building.

Can you see Alice? She is holding a goose.

This University is rich in history. Many famous people have studied there including Lewis Caroll who wrote the famous Alice in Wonderland, John Locke, and Robert Hook among others.

A view of the Christ Church University from the meadows.

We would have wanted to take a tour inside the University and would have loved to see the real Great Hall where the students dine, the cloisters and quadrangles where the students walked, the 16th century staircase leading to the Great Hall where Harry and the new first years are greeted by Professor McGonagall. BUT we weren't able to. I know we should have but due to time constraints and the fact that we forgot to have our euros changed to pounds, I think we would just have to visit in another day.

More of our sightseeing adventures in Oxford City and England SOON!

1 comment:

Seiko said...

I've read about this on your daughter's blog..Nice to see more photos. Ganda ng view.

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