Monday, February 8, 2010


The following Blog Review is an official entry to Kaye and Pehpot's Blogversary Contest. If you haven't encountered this blog yet, read on to find out why it's worthy of a visit.

There's this song entitled "If" by one of my favorite artists, Bread. I just love this song and it's lyrics which goes on to say : "If a picture paints a thousand words, Then why can't I paint you? The words will never show the you I've come to know..." It does sound familiar right? I have always believed that a picture paints a thousand words and these pictures can be found at Camerasexy, a photoblog authored by none other than supermom Pehpot. Her photographs just spell happiness, simplicity, innocence, delicious, love, relaxation and even destruction.

She is not a pro, but her photos stand out. Perhaps it is because of the black background which made the photos stand out. Or perhaps it is because of the one photo per entry, allowing the reader to really focus on the photo and enjoy the brightness of the colors. Or it could also be because her subjects hit home. But whatever it is, this photoblog is a winner for me. If there's one thing that I find amiss in this photoblog though, that would definitely have to be the Archives. It would be much easier to navigate if the archives is there. Digging deeper, I found out that this blog was conceptualized out of the author's hunt for a DSLR.. You will find in her earlier entries some photos from her mobile phone and you will really see how her photos evolved. And what of the title? To quote: "Not a reference though on how one can pose sexily in front of the camera, this one dwells on how one can be so damn sexy holding a camera"

Looking for some shots about daily life? Camerasexy is the one place to be!

1 comment:

Genefaith said...

cute nga ng header...reminds us to be sexy when taking a photo...LOL! my friends use to tease me when i took photo of them mas sexy pa daw yong nagtake ng photo kesa sa kanila na nagpapapicture...he...he...

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