I always enjoy blogs that feature beautiful and breathtaking local spots where one can unwind, relax and eat good food. Why? Because I love to travel and among my dream is to travel and visit the entire Philippines' 7107 islands. I know that is a lot to handle and would entails lots of moolah but who knows? One of my targets is Cebu City. While I have already visited Cebu City a number of times, I still wasn't able to explore it in its entirety.
I am so glad to have come across the blog Crossroads: Where Ideas Meet, a blog authored by another male blogger (wheeee!!!) who hides under the pen name markg87. While the blog is essentially a mixed bag of ideas, with blog entries about places, people, events, movies, entertainment and life, I find it very informative. I find the reviews of some of Cebu's most happening places, and some great and unique locations very interesting and note-worthy. I am glad that the author attached a handful of photos to the featured restaurant or location as it emphasized what it can offer. I am also updated with the latest talent search craze in the Philippines, the one that many have been raving about: the Pilipinas Got Talent. There's more that this blog offers: the latest episode of Naruto Shippuuden, Manny Pacquiao updates, flash animation and webdesign, and the latest in technology to name a few.
The blog's template is simple enough, with its white and light cyan background. The About and Contact pages can readily be found on the navigation menu just below the header. It has a three-column layout with sidebars containing ads, subscription to links, a list of categories and calendar. While it is very easy to navigate and very easy on the eyes, I think the header could use some tweaking to really depict what the beautiful title suggests: Crossroads.
If I were you, I'd go check this one out! You'll get to read lots of interesting stuff here.
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