Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Own It On DVD Give-Away Update

I know I promised to post an update about the DVD giveaway... I am excited to draw one lucky winner come March 1st, 2010. If you still want to join, you can still make it as it is still Tuesday and MckLinky will be up until Thursday. So if I were you, post your TCP entry NOW while you still can!

Anyway, the following are the qualified entries and their DVD choices (in random order):

1. Mommy Ko (Shydub): Twilight
2. Mys: Sweet Home Alabama
3. Seiko: Jumanji
4. Movie Mommy: The Notebook
5. Genejosh: Life-Size OR The Whipping Boy
6. Chris: Star Wars

There is still another one, Jo of Frougal. I have yet to confirm if she subscribed to my RSS feeds though since she didn't leave a comment about it. So to Jo, please leave a comment in this post or here about the email you used. Thanks girl!

Okay, good luck ladies! And I have yet another favor to ask to all those who are qualified. Could you please tell me how many TCP entries you made all in all (including your February posts)? So that it will be easier for me to tally the additional points. I TRUST you so I know you will give me the correct figures. Hihi! :D Thanks a lot!


The Movie Mommy said...

Hello Mommy! Mine is easy.

I only have three and two of them are February. :)

Genefaith said...

i only have 5 entries sis all in all...Hope I'll win:)

Chris said...

As of today, I have 21 entries of TCP :) My pick is Star Wars Episode IV. :)

Excited.. hope I can win! :D

Mys said...

I got 19 entries. Yay!

Seiko said...

I sometimes failed @ joining @ yet 've got 20 entries.I'm wishing the same way too!So good luck to us all!:D
God Bless!

Unknown said...

yeaahh sana manalo ako so I could wach the twilight. kasi parang tagal pa ipalabas sa HBO itong mokong nato. Well, good luck to all.

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Halo again hehe I have 21 entries of TCP Kikamz, dami ko palang na miss, i missed the #2 #5 and more waaaa.

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