Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Own It On DVD Give-Away

Hear ye, Couchers! In celebration of the LOVE month and in gratitude for your endless support in the meme Tuesday Couch Potatoes, I have decided to host my first ever give-away. It's not much but I hope this will encourage you to continue participating weekly.

It's so very easy to join! See below for the mechanics:


REQUIRED to be qualified:
1. Make a blog post about the movie you want to add in your DVD collection and why. Include in your post the official give-away banner (copy and paste the code given above) and the link to this post. (10 points) Please don't include AVATAR and other latest movies as they are not yet available on DVD... Apologies in advance!
2. Must have at least two TCP entries for the month of February. (5 points)
3. Confirm subscription to this blog via email. (5 points)
3. Leave a comment with a link to your blog post, and the email you used to subscribe.

Optional (To gain additional points):
1. Follow this blog on Google Friend Connect (3 points)
2. Follow this blog on Facebook (3 points)
2. TCP entries from Day 1 (August 11, 2009) will be counted. But of course, you must do the required steps first for your previous TCP entries to be counted. (1 point per TCP entry).

The Own It On DVD Give-away shall run from February 1st to 28th, 2010. One lucky winner will win an original DVD of the movie they blogged about. Good luck to ALL Couchers!


Mys said...

Whee! Excited... I already have the dvd in mind...hahaha. Will you do international shipping? Thinking like a winner na ba? lol!

Mys said...

Blogged about it here:

and did all of the requirements well, except I have to have one more entry this feb.
Subscribed via mjclaguitaoatyahoodotcom. Thanks!

Chris said...

awww...what a blessing :D i am joining definitely! will make my post soon :)

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Pwedi ba kami manalo lahat nito Kamz hehehe. nice naman ng give away. sana manalo ako.

JonaBQ said...

i want to join. thanks for the invite! is this a point system or you'll draw the winner? :D

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Hi kikamz I posted already this giveaway with the banner and movie review of my choice (dami nga) so let me win ha? waaaaa


~ subscribed to your blog and confirmed using this address shrqz28@yahoo.com
~ followed your blog already
~ followed your blog on fb too

goodluck to you! goodluck to me! good luck to all! lol

Maria Magcauaus said...

Hi, sorry I missed the TCP, can I still join???

Seiko said...

This is nice Marce! Good Luck to everyone. :D

nuts said...

goodluck to all couchers! :)

Clarissa said...

Good luck to all participants!!

The Movie Mommy said...

I am joining! Yahoo!

Here is my entries:
1. Blog post - http://www.themoviemommy.com/own-it-on-dvd-give-away/

2. Subscribed and confirmed, email used ruby (at) pinaymommyonline (dot) com

3. Followed this blog on Google Friend Connect - user Pinay Mommy

4. Followed this blog on Facebook

As for the TCP entries, will follow on that later. Thanks!!

I love this!!

Genefaith said...

blogged about this marce here: http://www.genejostory.com/2010/02/with-internet-you-can-now-download.html

Genefaith said...

just confirmed my subscription via genefaith@yahoo.com

Genefaith said...

followed you already marce using genejosh

Genefaith said...

follow you sa facebook na marce as genebei

Chris said...

http://chrisamador.blogspot.com/2010/02/own-it-on-dvd-giveway.html is my blog post! :D

Chris said...

I have at least 2 entries for TCP this February already...

I am a confirmed subscriber using amador (dot)christine (at) gmail (dot) com

I am following your blog both in Google Friend and on Facebook


jo.frougal said...

Hi, Kikamz, I finally decided on what DVD I wanted! That was the only thing holding me back -- I couldn't decide, LOL! Thanks for the giveaway.
Here's my post, you're already on my blogroll and I'm a follower. ;)

Seiko said...

I'm done Marce & here's my entry...

Seiko said...

I'm done w/ all the requirements Marce.
subscribed via seikofukami2001(at) yahoo(dot)co(dot)uk

pehpot said...

sasali ako! teka isip muna ako ng movie na gusto ko hehe

AC said...

waaah!!! been really busy, and I know.. I'm sooo late.. pero habol parin ako...

I did all the requirements already,
blogged about it
subscribed via ac(dot)a(dot)saldua(at)gmail(dot)com
followed you on google and facebook and the only thing missing is my 2nd TCP for this month.. LOL.. I'll post it in awhile..

Thanks for this Mommy Kamz! Goodluck to all!!!

moonstar said...

it's never too late. I followed all the requirements before i start my first tcp.

here's my post;


Thank you so much.
the name i used to follow you is babiesandcontests

my email is babiesandcontests@gmail.com

pehpot said...


peh_cats marce hihi

Chris said...

who won?! :D

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