Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Review Race?

I have an ultimate goal to win a blog contest that offers $200 cash for the first prize. And to be able to do this, I have to diligently write reviews of all the blog sponsors, from the major ones down to Level 3. I am not half-way through yet with the Level 3 sponsors and I still have a long way to go. It's a tough competition and I know that other bloggers are eyeing the top prize too. So I know I shouldn't procrastinate. But I have other obligations and responsibilities more important than winning the contest such as taking care of my little one and making sure that there's a warm meal on the table when Hubby arrives from work. There's also my online responsibilities... I can't just let my "clients" down. So wherever this contest may take me, I know that I won't regret my joining because I did all the best I could and I learned a lot on making reviews. I guess you can say, charge it to experience.

But anyway, if you still haven't joined the contest, here is your chance! Kaye and Pehpot have made it easier for you to join by just making a blog post about the Contest and include the major sponsors' links like the one below:

Below are the four MAJOR sponsors of Kaye and Pehpot's Blogversary contest:

I Am Buraot
A blog about politics, the environment, religion, philanthropy, and everything else that is life. Author is known for his generosity in sponsoring contests. The home of the famous EntreDropper.

Anak Ni Kulapo
Yet another blog of Buraot. If you want to die laughing, then go visit Anak Ni Kulapo. His life in the US and hilarious stuff about his home country are only two of the must-sees in this blog.

Seiko's Diary
The blog title says it all. This is Seiko's journal about being a mom to her five gorgeous kiddos, her take on life in general, and random musings of a woman who loves life.

Mom Conversations
A new blog about everything concerning mothers: pregnancy, health and fitness and babies are the current categories, under which are detailed articles containing tips and valuable information for moms everywhere.

Please drop by these blogs if you have the time and see why they are worthy of a special mention. :)

Yes, there's no more need to write a review for you to be qualified. Easy peasy, noh? You also have the option though to review all four major sponsors to gain you 400 points more.

Here's what's up for grabs:

1st Prize $200
2nd Prize: $100
3rd Prize: $50
4th Prize: 30
5th Prize: 20

5 Lucky Winners of $20 each


Best review of
Random WAHM Thoughts

Best review of Make or Break

Aren't the prizes great? So why don't you join NOW? Now is your chance to bring home the bacon. You might even be able to buy that DVD player or that camcorder that you have been drooling on.

And oh, if you learned about the contest through ME, please be kind to state in your blog post that KIKAMZ referred you. Pretty please? Thanks!


niko said...

yay.. hirap noh??? pero keri yan.

keri mo yan! go kamz!!

anyways busy ako at wla mga movies for TCP.. waaaaah will try to join nxt tues ha

Mys said...

sayang, di ba pwedeng referral roundrobin? the marces referred each other and extended the circle to me, then i also referred the marces. hahaha. duling na ko and this is a talent that i didn't have before the contest.

Unknown said...

I have read most of your reviews Kikamz and Im pretty impressed of how you work so hard on i. Sana manalo ka, hindi kasi madali ang mag review ano. hope and pray manalo ka inahan.

Chris said...

congratulations for all the reviews you have done! i salute you...

redamethyst said...

I think you already did a lot of reviews. Me too, trying to review more and more.

and now, I'm done with my review for your site. will be posted a little later. scheduled eh. hehe

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