Monday, February 8, 2010

Sexy Blogging

The following Blog Review is an official entry to Kaye and Pehpot's Blogversary Contest. If you haven't encountered this blog yet, read on to find out why it's worthy of a visit.

Are you ready for some Sexy Blogging? Because if you are, then let's get the ball rolling.

This blog is all about the essentials of being a woman: health and wellness, hygiene, beauty and vanity, products for women. I love the title itself, and how the author equates "sexy" with "having a healthy body". If you are a woman, you would agree that skinny does not necessarily mean sexy and that a woman's concern should primarily be about her health and wellness.
This blog was born out of the author's need to answer what any ordinary woman worries about: menstruation, stretchmarks, acne problems, breast cancer, fertility and pregnancy. It's Pehpot's way of shedding light and uniting the women of today. I applaud the author for being daring and venturing into this kind of topic. I hope that she would also explore other topics related to being a woman such as fitness and diet, aging and stress, and how to deal with them.

I especially love the header, which shows a woman in a relaxed state and the words "sexy blogging
" in script type font. And of course, the author's preferred layout which is three-column, with navigation tabs for easier browsing, and a light background for a stress-free read.

So, I ask you this again, are you ready for some Sexy Blogging? Because if you are, you’re in for a good start!

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