I have always loved the argyle pattern. I love watching private school uniformed girls wearing their plaid skirts and diamond-patterned socks I don't know exactly why. Maybe because they remind me of Ivy League or that of designer goods Burberry of London? Perhaps. Me and daughter even have sweaters with argyle patterns!
And there is just one blog with just that same argyle pattern that I so love! That of Travelin' With Marie! I just love the colors of the argyle pattern of the blog's background: a combination of a special shade of blue-green and purple. I just have to know what coloers these are or I would not get any sleep at all! But seriously, I love the blog layout: three-column layout and a clean and simple header, hinting that the author must have a penchant for scrapbooking.
This blog is Marie's way of sharing her thoughts on traveling on a budget, scrapbooking your travel mementos, managing your finances wisely and life in general. She loves taking personality quizzes so that if you want to know what type of person she is, the quiz results will give you a hint. The blog was born August 2009 and it already enjoys a wide readership via Google Friend Connect.
Join Marie on her roadtrip! It's gonna be a fun ride!
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