Thursday, February 18, 2010

A Valentine Photo

Valentine's Day has come and gone. And while hubby and I didn't go on a special date, we enjoyed it nevertheless with friends in celebration of life and love. While everyone was busy chatting, doing the karaoke and eating, I asked one of our friends to take a photo of Hubby and moi before I totally forget all about Marce Anik's "assignment" for Girls Talk.. My little one is not with us in the photo because she just won't let us bother her. She was busy playing with her girlfriends. Hehe!

So here is our Vday photo. Nothing special. Hihi!

And my gawd, just look at me! I am missing my neck! I am badly in need of a total fitness workout! LOL!

More love-filled V-Day photos from the girls here.


Sam said...

Wow. YOu're both suited up! Sarap siguro jan.. parang ang lamig. The better to cuddle you with my dear. Haha!

AC said...

hahaha!!! atleast dba, you were still able to sneak a pic of you.. naiinis ako.. wala pa akong maisip na movie for your give away, mommy kikamz... waah!!!

Genefaith said...

cute photo of the Pera couple:)

pareho tayo marce, i need some workout too!

Seiko said...

Such a lovely couple Marce & everyday w/ your hubby is a special day.

Same here din i am in need of a diet & a workout..err hehe.God Bless!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

then also if you cancel go you need pay some more!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

go gym here will cost USD$150 per mth

Sherry Go Sharing said...

nice pic, I want work out also but so expensive here

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