Monday, March 1, 2010

And The Winner Is....

My Own It On DVD Giveaway has come to an end yesterday. I must say it was a success because it attracted 10 entries from the Couchers. Thank you ladies for joining my little give-away. Here are the official participants in no particular order and the DVD Titles they would like to win:

1. Mommy Ko (Shydub):
2. Mys:
Sweet Home Alabama
3. Seiko:
4. Movie Mommy:
The Notebook
5. Genejosh:
Life-Size OR The Whipping Boy
6. Chris:
Star Wars Episode IV
7. Jo:
An Inconvenient Truth
8. ACMomCee: A Walk To Remember
9. Pehpot: Jesus Christ Superstar
10. Melandria:
Audrey Hepburn Remembered

I would have loved to make the drawing of the winner grand but because I am still exhausted from the celebration that we had yesterday, I have opted to draw the WINNER via

-Please click on image to enlarge. Thank you.-

So without further ado, the winner is:

CONGRATULATIONS Mommy Shy, you just won your very own
TWILIGHT movie on DVD!

Please send me an email at anak0430(at)gmail(dot)com with your complete name and postal address so I can send you your prize ASAP. Again, CONGRATULATIONS.

To all those who joined, my heartfelt Thank Yous! I might have another Own It On DVD Giveaway real soon so please watch out for it. You could be the next winner.

So, I guess I'll just see you all on Tuesday Couch Potatoes.


The Movie Mommy said...

Congratulations Mommy Shydub!!

I hope to win next time. :)

pehpot said...

COnrats Mommy SHydub!

Marce pede to every month? LOL

Unknown said...

Yessssssssssssssssssssss wowowowoweee. I love you Kikamz. Im so happy happy joy joy. I was looking at the list of participant, and I didn't see my name, I was pouting hehehehe because I thought I never got that chance to watch that movie. Ohhh i am so happy, my lucky day. Thanks Kikamz. Ill send my address ASAP jud as in. hehehe

Unknown said...

Ay sowe, awa ra gyud sa akong ka excited wala ko kita sa akong name waaaa. dukla ra gd ko mommy kikamz hehehe. Sus number 1 mn d i akong name diha. hehehe. Tingnan mo tuloy napa bisdak ang inang non reader waaaaa. Thanks again Kikamz. mwah!

Chris said...

uy... sayang, i didnt win! :D

congratulations to Shydub! :D

Seiko said...

Congratulation Mommy Shydub.(envious)
Hope to win next time :D
God Bless!

AC said...

wwwaaa!!! i thought ako na! wahaha!!! yeah.. pwede ba to monthly, mommy kamz??? LOL!


Sherry Go Sharing said...

is your giveaway open to international?

Sherry Go Sharing said...

congrats to winner :D

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