Monday, April 19, 2010

A Wedding On My Hubby's Birthday

I am just so excited!

A good friend of ours here in Germany is going to get married come May 29th, which also happens to be Hubby's birthday. She will be married in the Philippines and I have been busy finishing up their AVP since she will be flying on the 2nd of May. I still have to make a few changes and add some more picture so that it will just be perfect on her wedding day.

I am using the Slide Show Editor from Adobe Photoshop Elements. This is the first time and it is not bad. I am also making the same AVP using Windows Movie Maker to see which one is better. Let's just see how it turns out in the next couple of days.

I know she is also very excited as much as I am. She is the bride after all. I will try to post the AVP within the week if she will permit it for everyone to see. Too bad we can't witness this momentous event in her life. I wish her and her Hubby-to-be all the best!

So now you know why I have been posting about Tacori, Chopard and John Hardy jewelries lately. :D And why I have been up on my sleeves these past few days.

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