Since our guest room is not yet complete, I am thinking of getting bed sheets and bed covers, some pillows and floor rugs. I know that I can easily purchase these items at various home furniture shops but getting them for FREE is much, much better.
That's why I am taking my chance by joining Ate Rose of Rose's Obstacles and Glories 2nd Blog Anniversary Giveaway. She is giving away $100 worth of promotional code from CSN Online Store. While the $100 promo code is only valid for USA and Canada residents, those living in other areas, like me, can still join and get a chance to win $25 paypal cash. Isn't it great?
Interested? Come join us for the contest and get your chance to win any item of your choice! Just click on the contest banner below:
Thanks for joining sis, please put the badge on your sidebar.. tsalamat and goodluck!
Ooohh don't we all love freebies? :) Good luck with the giveaway :)
good choice .Goodluck!
wow!!! I'm joining too, mommy kamz... chineck ko entry mo kase I know you're not from US din... hehe... so need parin pala post ng item from the store noh? oks... I'm making one now... :)
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