Finally, after weeks of chilly, cold and wet weather, the sun has finally smiled down on us. I can finally hang my laundry out our balcony to dry. I can walk around the house without feeling chills. I can once again lounge outside our balcony and watch the birds fly by and the clouds turn into different shapes. Even my daughter seems delighted at this weather too because that would mean she wouldn't have to wear lots of clothes. She gets fuzzy when I put on one shirt after another. Hehe!

It was a perfect day but I was not feeling so well.
And did I already share the good news that we finally found a Kindergarten for my little one? I must have shared with you my worries about not getting a Kindergarten in time but the last Kindergarten that I visited last week accepted her. Although she is not yet 3 years old in September, the director took her in. God is really good! He has answered our prayers. Now all we need to do is fill in a few papers, prep Samantha for school and she is good to go.
Sigh! Just thinking about sending my baby off to school a few months from now brings tears to my eyes. My baby is really growing up so fast. If given the choice, I would have held on to her and looked after her until she is old enough. But alas, I had to decide if i also wanted to go back to school. Sniff! Sniff!
I know that it would also benefit Samantha if she is exposed to other children. I know that she will do well because she gets along easily with other children as she is deeply interested in them. I also know that she will learn a lot and will discovery many new things.
It's full speed ahead for us! And I just hope that the sun will continue to shine down on us....
sunny day!! :D
Jeez. Your daughter so cute! :) Congrats for finally finding a kindergarten, I guess she will have fun. :D
Uy Mommy kamz laki na ni baby Sam, ganda pa mana sa inyong dalawa.
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