Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Bunch of Fresh Flowers

This is a post Mother's Day entry. I have been meaning to post about it eons ago but I got buried deep in my tasks so I didn't get the chance at all. It was only today that I remembered that I haven't anything about how my Mother's Day went.

So here it is:

How things turned around was quite unexpected. It was a fine Sunday. We went to church to hear mass and then greeted our mother friends a Happy Mother's Day after the service. I knew that Hubby wanted to stroll around and relax first but I was grumpy and exhausted so we went back home. Not in the mood to do anything at all, I went back to sleep. Hubby and the little one slept with me too. I don't know how long I slept but I can remember that I heard Hubby telling me that he was going out for a while. I slept on. Then much to my surprise, he woke me up, a bunch of fresh flowers in his hands. It was his Mother's Day surprise for me. And more surprises came when I went out of our room.

Nope! There were no rose petals on the floor, no candles lit, no dim lights nor soft music playing. There was nothing at floor! I mean, the living room was clean. All the mess that were there in the morning were all gone! And there was dinner waiting on the table.

It was all such a surprise! And this very sweet gesture from my Hubby was very unexpected.

Thanks Dad for making my day. You always know how to make me smile at the most unexpected times.

1 comment:

Dee said...

Awww... ang ganda-ganda ng flowers! Really so beautiful! Everything he did was really sweet!

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