Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mommy Moments: Daddy Moments

Here's another late entry for Mommy Moments. Things have been pretty hectic the last couple of days that's why this entry is two days late. Today is a very special day because most of the world is celebrating Father's Day. To all the FATHERS in the world, especially to my Hanhan, my Papa and Tatay, THANK YOU. For all your dreams and for making them into a reality.  You are great dads in your own special and unique way and we couldn't be any happier.

My mind and heart just can't seem to let Daddy Moments go this week so here I am, albeit late.

I just enjoy watching my little Samantha and my Hanhan having fun together. It warms me to know that they have a special kind of fondness for each other. And I love the fact that hubby is always there when I need him to be there. I love it that our family is his priority. I love it that he wishes to provide the best for his family. I love it that even if we have problems and difficulties, we face them together. I love it that he is my husband and the father of my child.

mommy moments


kimmyschemy said...

a great father, indeed! happy father's day to your hubby..

Bambie ★ said...

Sam is lucky to have a father like his dad =) Happy father's day to your hubby =)

Mel_Cole said...

Happy Father's day sis!

Chris said...

happy father's day to him! :D

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