Tuesday, June 1, 2010

TCP#41: As Good As It Gets

Hello Couchers! Welcome to the June 1st edition of Tuesday Couch Potatoes where we post about a movie each week. Today is the 1st day of June and the first TCP for the month. June ushers in a new school year in the Philippines and in some parts of the planet and so I have decided to make this week's theme: It Begins with "A". You may feature any genre as long as the movie's title starts with the first letter of the alphabet.

Now, allow me to start the ball rolling as I am already late in posting this meme. I should take advantage of the scheduled posts in the future if I want to get this thing going for a long period of time.

My pick for this week is As Good As It Gets, a romantic comedy starring Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt. I enjoyed watching this film as I can relate to Melvin's character who is an extreme OC. Mine though is only the mild case since it is only my Hubby who I drive crazy because of my OC-ness. Anyway, the movie is about a restaurant server, a work-at-home romance novelist and a dog named Verdell. Helen Hunt plays Carol, the only waitress at the restaurant where Melvin eats breakfast everyday, who can tolerate his behavior. She also has an asthmatic son whom she needs to take care of and so she has decided to move closer to Brooklyn. Melvin then offered to pay her son's medical expenses, albeit for own selfish interests. Theirs is a complicated relationship but still ended happily for they realized in the end the depth of their personal connection.

If you needed a feel good movie, this one is it.

Want to find out more "A" movies? Then check out the other Couchers' entries in the MckLinky below:

That's it for this week's TCP. Hope you can join us again next Tuesday, June 8th for Computer Geeks 101, where we will feature movies related to computers and information technology.

Take care everyone and Happy TCP!


Sherry said...

this movie is good, I seen it before :D

Chris said...

loved this one!

anne said...

Hi Kikams I think I have watch that movie but I just don't remember it, so I end up with Aladdin hehehe I hope that still counts here's mine thanks http://www.mjoannafaith.com/2010/06/tuesday-couch-potatoes-2-aladdin.html

niko said...

di ko pa to napapanood hayz hihihi

mine is up na kamz!! hihi

Mommy Liz said...

I love this movie. kaso parang matanda ang itsura ni Helen Hunt, or parang payat siya or something.

Rossel said...

Same here...I am a bit OC that's why I love this movie too. Nice pick!

kimmy said...

i think i've seen this one, only didn't finish so i can't remember what happened.. hmmm.. well, maybe i should watch it again, lol!

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