Thursday, June 24, 2010

They've Arrived

We had a very early day today. We had to leave at 3:30AM for Frankfurt International Airport to pick up my parents-in-law. All three of us, hubby, me and our little girl, are still very sleepy because we only had about 3 hours of sleep. I think our little one knows that her grandparents are coming because she refused to sleep early last night. And when I dressed her up so that we can leave early this morning, she didn't make a fuss and even sat up in bed to make it easier for me to change her clothes. When we were inside the car, I told her to catch some sleep because it's about a two-and-a-half hours travel but she tried with all her might not to fall asleep in the car. She finally gave in to sleep though 30 minutes before we arrived Frankfurt Airport.

We arrived at the airport at around 5:30 in the morning. Since it was still early, we decided to catch some sleep in the car. We woke up thirty minutes after to my little girl's crying. Perhaps she got scared because when she opened her eyes, all she saw were cars.

Anyway, we went to the arrivals and waited for Nanay and Tatay. Their plane has already landed and we were waiting for them at the Arrivals gate. A few minutes after, we saw them... all smiles and happy to see their grandchild. I think even my little girl was happy and excited because she immediately made the Mano Po when I told her to and then allowed her Lolo and Lola to carry her. 

I am glad they arrived safely. Now, they are resting. They had quite a long trip. And I am happy.


Chris said...

have a fun time with them!

jellybelly said...

Looks like Lolo and Lola were very happy to see their Apo. What a nice picture of them!

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