Monday, June 28, 2010

This Blog Is Two!

Exactly two years and four days ago, I discovered the joys and wonders of blogging. Thanks to good friends who encouraged me to blog about the things I love, I have found a very worthy hobby that allows me to express myself in a medium that can reach thousands of readers to different parts of the world with just a simple search on the Internet or just a click. 

Since then, I have found good friends, earned some on the side, and earned a good number of regular readers and followers. But of course, it entailed a lot of hard work on my part. To maintain readership, I had to regularly update my blog and think of interesting topics to write about. I had to learn how to read scripts if I want to give my blog template some make over. I learned a lot of technical stuff that I never imagined I would learn. I also had to return my readers' comments and visit other blogs too because in this very competitive blogging world, I also learned that I had to return the favor. Other online tasks have kept me busy these past few weeks though so that I find very little time to comment back, visit other meme entries, and blog hop.

I know I had to do something about my seeming "absence" if I want to maintain my traffic and my rankings. I hope my friends and readers understand.

So I guess it's a Happy 2nd Blogversary to me then!


Mys said...

Congratulations on your 2nd year of blogging!

Seiko said...

Happy blogversary Mare!

Mommy Liz said...

Happy 2 years old sa blog mo Marce. Tama ka, ako rin I found lots of good friends and kumares. May 2 inaanak ako and I am enjoying it, also I make little amount of money Buti na lang nag open ako ng blog.. Enjoy!

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